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Angel Tree Starts Nov 12th!

As has become a tradition at St. Martin’s, we will again this year have our Cheyenne River Ministry Partnership Angel Tree. The tree will be up Sunday, November 12 ( a little earlier than in years past) and the deadline for returning gifts will be Sunday, December 3.

Angels will be for boys and girls, babies and elders, men and women of all ages. You are encouraged to take an angel (or two), purchase an age-appropriate gift and return it (unwrapped) to the church by the deadline. Please remember that these gifts are going to be shipped via UPS, so it’s important to keep them small. A “suggestions” list will be available near the tree. Please consider including a handwritten card from your family to the recipient of your gift!

The gifts will be blessed and shipped that next week.

For questions concerning the Angel Tree, please contact Terry Ertel ( or 704-575-5454). More details about the Cheyenne River Ministry Partnership in the coming weeks!

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