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A Brief Summary and Invitation

South Dakota Mission trips by Saint Martin's

Saint Martin's has been going to the Cheyenne River Reservation, at the invitation of the Episcopal Church, for more than 25 years. Most of our relationship was in the town of Whitehorse where we provided Vacation Bible School and performed different work projects.

Most of the St. Martin's travelers were youth with an anchor of adult leaders. Youth are not the primary workers as the program at church has led them to different places. Adult leaders have aged or gone to new church homes.

But the needs remain high on the reservation. It's among the five poorest counties in the USA. Most of the jobs, what few there are, pay little. It takes 40 acres to support one cow. Growing food is not something that can be counted on. That's why we do the Angel Tree, send cold weather gear and school supplies. The Lakota are proud but grateful to all who share with them. It is especially important to see that people from 1600 miles away, care enough to come as friends. Summer 2018 is the next time a group will be going. Is this the year you will go and serve?


Lots of people can tell you about their experiences or help you with the next trip. Ask Don Willoughby, Richard Ertel, Elaine Willoughby, Terry Ertel, Tom Posonby, Cate Stadelman, DeeDee Acee, Nancy McGinnis, David McGinnis, Mike Long, Marty Page, Mike Page, Nate Cline, David White, Vivian White or June Marie Rainwater.

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